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Crop Timing Using Thermal Units


Special Research Report #504: Production Technology


Precise crop timing is one of the most critical aspects of greenhouse production. Growers must target crops for lucrative seasonal markets. Crop timing, the manipulation of crops through physiological and environmental conditions , allows harvest and sale at specific dates. On the other hand, crop scheduling, the listing of times for organizing cultural practices, is only a part of the timing process. Timing is essential for crops that m·e grown only for specific holidays and it is important for: (1) crops grown during the season that have higher demands (and prices) at specific times (e.g., roses for Valentine's Day); (2) efficient space management, efficient sales and delivery planning and, as a consequence, efficient product marketing for the greenhouse crop. Hence, producing and improving methodology for crop timing has the potential of increasing grower profitability.

Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #504

Libraries: Floriculture

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