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Research Update


The Effects Of Kinetin, STS, and Sugar On Carnation Postharvest


Researchers in Poland studied the effects of a 24 hour or constant application of kinetin (a cytokinin), STS (silver thiosulfate), and/or sucrose (table sugar) through the holding solution on carnation postharvest life. Materials were applied at the following rates: kinetin (0.025 mM), STS (0.1 mM in 24 hour treatment and 0.2 mM in continuous treatment, sugar (5000 ppm). HQS (8-hydroxyquinoline (0.65 mM)) was added to any solution which contained sugar. They found that:

Source: • Minnesota Commercial Flower Growers Bulletin Vol. 40 No. 1

Libraries: Floriculture

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