Lily Leaf Counting Technique and Time Schedule (1993)
Lily Leaf Counting Technique and Time Schedule
Leaf counting is a technique used to insure proper timing of a lily crop. Once a lily shoot initiates a flower bud, no more leaves will form. At visible bud, all the leaves have unfolded. Therefore, if one knows how many leaves have )let to unfold on a plant before the visible bud stage, one can calculate how many leaves must unfold each day (or week) in order to reach the visible bud stage by a particular date. By knowing the number of leaves which must unfold each week and by making a count of leaves which actually unfolded the previous week, one can determine if a crop is slow, fast or on time. Subsequently, the air temperature may be increased or decreased to hasten or delay plant development for proper crop timing. The following describes how to leaf count a lily crop.
Source: • Minnesota Commercial Flower Growers Bulletin Vol. 42 No. 4
Libraries: Floriculture