Concerning the Keeping Quality of Cut Flowers
Laboritorium voor Tuinboutplantenteelt
The desire to keep £lowor3 fresh as long as possible is inherent to the idea of cut flowers* One endoavcr-3 to keep flowers fresh en the one hand by influencing the allien during tho storage, on the other ijand hy lengthening the keeping quality in the normal room clijzate. Palladiua (85) in 350 A.D* -^ in his publication "Do Ee Euatica* dsvoted a chapter °Ds rosis viridibus servandi3a {On the storags of green roses) to this matter* It has been established in a large number of diverse experiments that the following factors influence the keeping quality of cut floxers; nutrition; temperaturt* and light intensity before cutting (39, 52s 6?-, 109); the time of the day the flowers are cut (40D 52, 53- 76. 82, 33, 90); the development stage of the flower -ahen cut (589 72? 52? 35, 103)$ pollination (21, 22, 26, 41. H7)$ the method of cutting (52. 90, 109)5 tanperature, composition and humidity of the air during transport and a"borage thereafter (14, 34* #66» 67, 63, 69, 70{ 7oj lOi 36, £8., 122) siethcda to prevsari tho hindrance of tsater uptake, methods to limit water los3 (2B 36, 43, 90P 1C09 122); chemical methods to influence tho metabolism of the flower (4, 5, 13, 19> 20, 21, 23, 31» 43, 53, 58, 59, 609 72, 73, 77, $2, 109, 110, 122).
Source: • Laboritorium voor Tuinboutplantenteelt
Keywords: Fungicide Early wilting Chemical substances Crops Bactericides
Libraries: Floriculture