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Lowering Rose Greenhouse Temperatures May Be False Economy


Lowering Rose Greenhouse Temperatures May Be False Economy


Many greenhouse growers have been attempting to deal with rising fuel costs by reducing consumption through the use of insulation, properly maintained equipment, and other conserving measures. At best, such steps have only served to slow somewhat the rapid upward trend in heating costs, as is illustrated by figure 1. The grapbr. shows the amount of gas burned at the University of California field station greenhouses in San Jose during the winters of 1971-72, 1975-76, and 1979-80, and its cost The data are for similar eight-week billing periods, midDecember - mid-February. The large decrease in the number of therms used at San Jose between 1971-72 and 1979-80 was not sufficient to keep gas costs from rising by 80 percent over the eight-year period. The large amount of gas consumed during the winter of 1971-72 is attributed to abnormally cold weather in central California, combined with little in the way of conservation. The greatly reduced consumption during the winter of 1979-80, on the other hand, reflects not only a mild winter but also the closing of one greenhouse and the use of a number of heat conserving measures. Had gas consumption at San Jose been as great in 1979-80 as it was in 1971-72, its costs in 1979-80 would have been $1,770.00 rather than $360.00.

Source: • Colorado State Flower Growers Association Bulletin #371

Keywords: Lowering rose greenhouse

Libraries: Floriculture

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