Alstroemeria Culture
Alstroemeria Culture
The new Alstroemeria cultivars that are available from Europe (Table 1) are the result of years of interspecific breeding and irradiation to induce mutations. The majority of the new hybrid cultivars have originated from the van Staaveren Company (The Netherlands) and Parigo Seed Company (England). Recently, the Wulfinghoff Company (The Netherlands) have introduced several new and interesting Alstroemeria cultivars. Plants are normally leased from the breeder; also. a yearly royalty is assessed on the square footage in production. The Fred Gloeckner Company is the United States representative for the van Staaveren Company while the other firms, as far as we know, have no U.S. representative.
Source: • Colorado State Flower Growers Association Bulletin #393
Keywords: Alstroemeria
Libraries: Floriculture