Consumer Preferences for Potted Plants - Easter Lilies and Chrysanthemums
Potting Easter Lilies and Chrysanthemums
Potted plants with a wholesale value of $95 million were produced and sold in the United States in 1959.1 The share produced by New York State flower growers was $7.8 million, about 50 percent more than in 1949. Reliable data on more recent total sales of potted plants are not available although fragmentary information indicates that they have increased significantly since 1959.2 In spite of this substantial dollar value, there remains a lack not only of statistics on production and marketing but also of information on consumer preferences for these plants. Tentative grade specifications establishing quality standards are under consideration for certain potted plants, few are actually in use.3 This study provides in formation for better decisions in the marketing of potted plants through knowledge of consumer response to plant qualities. It presents consumer preference data for two potted plants, the Easter lily and the chrysanthemum, which together account for an estimated 15 percent of the value of all potted plants grown in New York State.
Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin #281
Keywords: Chrysanthemums Easter lilies Consumer preferences
Libraries: Floriculture