No Easy Way out of Chrysanthemum Stunt
No Easy Way out of Chrysanthemum Stunt
During the summer and fall of 1948 when chrysanthemum stunt was at its peak, the following experiments were outlined. These projects were carried on by Harry C. Kohl, Jr., Anton M. Kofranek, Dr. Kenneth Post, and Fred Horton and his staff. These came about as a result of conferences with many growers to determine the effects of environment on the problem. In these tests more than 8000 plants were used. Since these experiments were started, Baker, Clark, and Kimball (1949) have report ed the presence of Deuterophoma in many stunt ed plants. The effectiveness of this In producing stunted plants was uncertain. Brierley and Smith (1949) have reported the virus nature of the disease, the ease of spread and the slow moving nature of it in the plant. Olson (1949) has reported a sound method of obtaining stunt-free foundation stock. This method has been demonstrated in a large practical way by Yoder Brothers.
Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin #57
Keywords: Chrysanthemum stunt
Libraries: Floriculture