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Semesan Drench for Rhizoctonia Control


Semesan Drench for Rhizoctonia Control


The fungus commonly known as Rhizoctonia solanl Is only one of several fungi which may cause the damplng-off of seedlings and cut tings. It is, however, the predominant fungus associated with damping-off under eastern greenhouse conditions. It is by far the most common cause of damping-off of snapdragon seedlings, of the rotting of polnsettia and euphorbia cuttings, of the damping-off of begonia leaf cuttings, of the black stem rot or foot-rot of stocks, of the wet stem rot of carnations, and of similar diseases of many other ornamental plants.

Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin #60

Keywords: Semesan Drench

Libraries: Floriculture

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