Long-term Cut Flower Storage Now Possible
Long-term Cut Flower Storage Now Possible
When florists can successfully store their roses for several weeks instead of several days, their carnations and mums for a month instead of a week, and when they make the same relative progress in the storage of other cut flowers, the efficiency of handling and marketing flowers will be increased and the potential scope of the industry will be broadened. Holiday peaks can then be anticipated and handled more easily and quality production during "gluts" can be held for a more favorable market. Our many timing and distribution problems will be simplified. Greater quantities of flowers will be sold at more uniform prices. The consumer will benefit through better buys of better quality flowers and the industry will benefit through greater volume and dollar sales. Some of the long-term storage techniques for accomplishing these aims are now known and can be applied to commercial situations.
Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin #62
Keywords: Long-term Cut Flower Storage
Libraries: Floriculture