Flash Flame Soil Pasteurizer
Flash Flame Soil Pasteurizer
Considerable interest has been aroused the past three months in an oil burning flash type soil pastuerlzer (made by the Tarrant Manufacturing Company, of Saratoga Springs, New York) which has been undergoing tests by plant pathologists, A. G. Newhall and W. T. Schroeder at Cornell and Geneva, respectively. Those who saw it in operation at Cornell August 9 or 12 at either the Nursery men's or Vegetable Growers' Field Days will recall that soil is shoveled into one end of a revolving heated cylinder 8 feet long by 20 inches in diameter and which is sloping just enough so the soil dribbles out of the lower end, about 10 seconds later all hot and steaming. Heat is supplied by one or two blow torches mounted so the flame is directed up into the lower end of the cylinder. The final soil temperature is governed by soil moisture, slope of the cylinder, speed of shovel opera tor, and size of flame which can nearly all be altered more or less to suit conditions.
Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin #63
Keywords: Flash Flame
Libraries: Floriculture