What's Going on in Flower Marketing Research
Consumer Interest
During 1958, 24 states werecarryingon one or moreresearchprojectsonmarketingfloriculturalproducts. Inaddition to these, the United States Department of Agriculturehad twoprojectsinprogress,and Hawaii andPuertoRicohadoneprojecteach.Theprincipalfinancialsupportfortheseprojectscomesfrom thefederalgovernment.Additionalfunds are supplied by the states. In a few instances the floriculturalindustrymakes somefinancialcontribution.The marketing researchprogramsspan the industryfrom the grower though to andincludingthe consumer.The results are of use and of value to growers, wholesalers,retailersandconsumers
Source: • New York State Flower Growers Incorporated, Bulletin # 157
Keywords: Growers Consumer Retail Interest Buy
Libraries: Floriculture