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Ethylene Tolerance of Hybrid Lilies (2008-09 Final Report)


Ethylene Tolerance of Hybrid Lilies


Previously, we described production conditions for four hybrid lily varieties, L.A. Lilium ‘Princess Amalia’, L.A. L. ‘Red Alert’, Asiatic L. ‘Renoir’, and Oriental L. ‘Stargazer’. Due to lower than average light levels, high levels of bud abortion occurred on ‘Princess Amalia’. Statistical analysis revealed that vase life depended on an interaction between storage and cultivar, while ethylene exposure and pretreatment with 1-MCP or STS affected vase life with no interactions with any other factors. Because of the added complexity the interaction between storage and cultivar, we chose to analyze the data for each cultivar separately.

Source: • No Source Provided

Keywords: ICFG Hill Final Report 2008-2009

Libraries: Floriculture

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