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Greenhouse Notes Biological Control in Interiorscape Fall 1986


We have observed a shift in the interiorscape industry regarding the use of biological control. At one point in time the question asked was "biological control - what is it?" Now when several interiorscapers get together the question seems to be "biological control - how do we use it?" A growing number of people seem to be turning to the Australian Lady beetle (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) to solve their mealy bug problems. Unfortunately, little is known about the 'cryps' and what type of response can be expected from them. It is difficult to determine how many to use because of varying environmental factors and the size and shape of the plant. For example, the number used on a single 8 inch Grape Ivy may not be directly proportional to a ficus tree 20 feet tall. Most answers are obtained through trial and error - and you can certainly expect a few errors.

Source: • Floriculture Indiana

Keywords: Lily Floriculture Australian Lady beetle Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Timing Potted Easter Lilies Indiana

Libraries: Floriculture

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