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Asexual Reproduction of Spider Plant


Focus on Floriculture


Chlorophytum is normally propagated from the plantlets at the end of runners. We observed that plants under natural greenhouse conditions (Indianapolis, Indiana) produced many plantlets in the winter while few plantlets were produced in the summer. Trippi (1965) reported Chloro phytum runner production to be controlled by daylength (photoperiod). His work suggests our observation under commercial production may be related to daylength. We conducted the following study to explore the possibility of using daylength control to produce plantlets year-round. 2 Chlorophytum plantlets were cut from stock plants and potted in 3inch clay pots on October 14, 1974. Eighteen 3-inch plants were trans planted, 3 plants per 7-inch pot on November 27, 1974 and nine 3-inch plants were transplanted to 5-inch pots on December 13, 1974. They were grown under natural daylengths (Indianapolis) until January 22, 1975, at which time they were shipped to Purdue and placed in a photoperiod study. Three 7-inch pots were then placed under 8 hour and 3 pots under 18 hour photoperiods. Nine 5-inch pots were placed under 8, 14, and 18 hour photoperiods (3 pots each). Long days were obtained by low intensity incandescent mum lighting. Data and photographs were taken on March 14, 1975.

Source: • Focus on Floriculture, Purdue University

Keywords: Chlorophytum Elatum

Libraries: Floriculture

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