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Comparison of Container Placement Patterns for Maximizing Greenhouse Space Use




Amodel was developed that will calculate the maximum number of containers that can be placed in aspecified area. Thereare basicallythree patterns ofcontainer placement. First, "square" placement involves placing pots in parallel rows in both directions sothat any four pots form asquare. The other two methods involve stag gered patterns inwhichanythreecontainersform atriangle. Inthe "longstaggered" pattern, the long rowsare parallel to the long dimension ofthe bench orfloor space, while in the "short staggered" pattern, long rows are parallel to the short dimension of the bench. Comparisons of spacing patterns were made using a range of green house/bench dimensions and container sizes. In most cases, a staggered arrangement allowed a significant increase in the number of containers fitting on a bench as compared to square placement. For example.when 6-inch pots are placed pot-to pot in an8x50-foot greenhouse section or bench, "short staggered" or"long staggered" arrangement of containers permitted 10.4% to11.9% more containers over that allowed by a square pattern. In genera!, the larger the bench or greenhouse section, the greater the benefit of staggered spacing. The difference between short and long staggered was usually less than 3%, and depended on the specific space dimensions. This model can be easily entered into a spreadsheet for growers to perform their own calculations.

Source: • HortScience Program Abstract Volume 32,#3

Keywords: Container Placement Patterns "square" placemen Long staggered "short staggered" pattern

Libraries: Floriculture

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