Boron Deficiency In Roses
New York State Flower Industries , Inc
The classical symptoms of boron deficiency have been well described in many text books and articles. The grow ing point of the plant dies, leaves become brittle and mis shapen, and generally thickin substance. Frequentlya pro liferation of side branches results in a witch's broom effect. These symptoms generally represent a severe deficiency of the element. There are times, however, when the classi cal symptoms do not appear, or when there is some varia tion of symptoms to the point where boron would not be suspect. The practical result is a loss of cut because the flowers are unmarketable. Such was the recent case with one of our rose growers. The problem became serious in early winter of 1969, with the first apparent symptoms being a very slight browning of the petal margin of flowers of 'White Butter fly.' The grower stated the injury looked very similar to that caused by thrips; however, no insects were found. The grower first observed the symptoms in July, but thought the problem was due to spray injury. At that time the symptoms were seen on two separate plantings of 'White Butterfly' but not on a third planting or on any other vari eties. The spray program being followed was V£ pint Parnon plus 1 lb. of Dylox and 3 cups of liquid soap per 100 gallons of water. Since other varieties did not show symp toms, the spray program was ruled out as the causal factor
Keywords: Fertilizer Noticeable Damage Critical level treatment symptoms
Libraries: Floriculture