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Factors Affecting the Supply of Fresh Flowers in the USA


New York State Flower Industries , Inc


For many years, a discussion of factors affecting the supply of fresh flowers evolved around weather, planting and pinching dates, and greenhouse temperatures. Then came (lie past 20 years of rapid progress in refining the techniques of timing the supply of flowers for the peak demand periods. Air conditioning and improved heating systems with electronic controls, control of photoperiod (day-length) with lights and shade cloth, soil and foliar testing providing information for injection of fertilizers through automated water systems, and numerous other innovations caused great changes in production methods. Startling as these changes have been, nothing can equal events that are just beginning to have their impact upon the supply of fresh flowers in this country. Imports of carnations, mums, and other fresh flower crops are expanding at a rapid rate. Carnation imports from Latin America and Bogota, Colombia, in particular, have expanded from nothing to over 20% of the U.S. con sumption in less than five years. Carnation imports are now equaling Colorado production.

Keywords: Imports photoperiods Injection of fertilizer carnations Prices and Supply

Libraries: Floriculture

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