Pesticide Disposal —Some Considerations
New York State Flower Industries , Inc
With the passage of legislation further restricting the use of pesticides it is only natural that interested and concerned people desire to collect pesticides such as DDT for safe disposal to avoid further contamination of the environment and to prevent harm to pets or children. Before making a decision to launch a pesticide collection pro gram, there are several points requiring careful thought and consideration. The first question that must be resolved is "How are the pesticides to be disposed? At the present time we do not have a satisfactory means for public disposal of large quantities of pesticides in our state. High temperature incineration is believed to be best, but we do not have all the necessary information at this time. We do know that temperatures of 900°C or higher are necessary if a wide range of materials are involved. We know that the exhaust stacks must be equipped with scrubbers to wash the contaminants from the exhaust, and that leaching beds and lagoons are necessary for absorbing the by-products from the scrub water before it is returned to our rivers, lakes, and streams. We know that the water and air effluents need to be monitored regularly to make certain everything is working properly, otherwise we may be contributing to pollution. Many incinerators will handle only liquids. We know that people experienced with pesticides must be in charge of the operation. We do not know how the ash resulting from incineration should be handled. Research is in progress to devise the best methods and solutions.
Source: • New York State Flower Industries, Inc. Bulletin #5
Keywords: Environment DDT Large quantities of pesticides Scrub water incinerators Safe place
Libraries: Floriculture