Illinois State Florists' Association
Following are portions of a report presented before the 1962 SAF Convention in Boston. The frials represented a pioneering effort in large-scale cooperative testing in Floriculture, and the results were of material assistance in producing the 1962 poinsettia crop. Growers will find the information given of considerable interest. However, it should be noted that CYCOCEL, the CCC product now being marketed, contains 11.8% active ingredient—rather than 50% as used in this experiment. Your attention is called to the article by Gartner, Wilkins & Coorts—"The Use of Growth Retardants on Poinsettias"—in I.S.F.A. Bul. No. 226. May, 1962, pp. 9-11. Growers would also do well to secure the new booklet, "Poinsettias—Culture & Use as Potted Plant," by Miller and Kiplinger. This manual (Ext. Bul. S.B. 15) is available for S2.00 from the Office of Extension Information, Ohio State Univ., 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus 10. Ohio. Make checks payable to "The Ohio State University THE POINSETTIA, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., is the traditional pot plant for Christmas. It has small yellow terminal flowers subtended by large showy bracts that are brilliant red. varying to pink and white. Perfection of growth is difficult to attain and unless careful expert culture is practiced, plants may be excessively tall with bare crooked stems. Proper culture depends upon following a few established practices, the region of the country involved, individual greenhouse facilities, and the type of end market.
Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 238
Keywords: Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd Growth Retardants CYCOCEL Chloro-choline chloride, CCC light and temperature
Libraries: Floriculture