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Illinois State Florists' Association


Every season we seem to hear more of catas trophes from heater problems. Open-flame heaters in, typically, airtight plastic houses, although sometimes in glass or fiberglass houses. Always though, those heartbreaking losses. Whole houses of bedding plants, poinsettias, lilies, mums — all sorts of crops. Big $ losses. Open flame heaters — the individual units (usually gas burning) that hang overhead — are a way of life for many growers. Especially in the smaller ranges. They do the job well, especially where cheaper natural gas is available, and are efficient cost wise. Even with pro pane, they are often the best way, in spite of the much higher fuel costs. Actually, propane cost is 3 times as much as gas in our area. The typical smaller wholesale and retail bedding plant grower of today uses these heaters.

Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 363

Keywords: Natural gas i Ethylene and sulfur dioxide fresh-air inlet exhaust burner Itself clean

Libraries: Floriculture

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