Illinois State Florists' Association
A news release from Floralife, Inc., Hinsdale, announces the introductoin of a new product, "Silflor/50", which the company claims will give carnation vase life of up to 24 days when used to condition carnations prior to their being further treated with "Floralife" floral preservative. The product is said to be similarly effective with gypsophila and other members of the Caryophyllaceae family, according to Dean Rule of Floralife's research and development department. "Properly conditioned carnations show a significant delay in 'sleepiness,' wilting, petal burning and discoloration," Rule said. "Blooms and buds open to maximum size and beauty and stay that way for 10-16 days longer than when placed in plain water. We have tested carnations that had vase lives of 16-24 days and miniature carnations that lasted up to 26 days." For maximum effectiveness, carnations should be placed in a solution of "Silflor/50" and water for 1 to 2 hours by the grower or shipper. Follow-up treatment with "Floralife" is essential by both the wholesaler and retailer for the "Silfor/50" conditioning to be fully effec tive.
Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 394
Keywords: gypsophila Caryophyllaceae family "Silflor/50" Floralife Silver thiosulfate
Libraries: Floriculture