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Unvented Kerosene Heaters-OK For Greenhouses


Illinois State Florists' Association


A new breed of kerosene heaters — from Japan — came on the market about a year ago. They have become a "hot" sales item. Many homeowners use this type of heater to supplement their regular heating equipment. The fuel used in these heaters is referred to as "clean" or "white" or "pure" kerosene. As the use of these heaters has increased, so has the cost of the kerosene. In many cases, it is more expensive than regular fuel oil used in the home. However, they are convenient, portable and economical to use. Directions included with these units point out certain safety requirements. In addition to using only clean kerosene, the manufacturers stress "use only in well-ventilated rooms." Provide ventilation of at least 40 sq. in. for each 10,000 BTU of rating.

Keywords: Ethylene gas injury O2 Carbon monoxide oily deposit

Libraries: Floriculture

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