Pennsylvania Flower Growers #229
Growers who have not already spaced their geraniums after moving out the Easter pot plants should do so at once. During the spacing operation be sure to remove all old yellow or injured leaves. The Botrytis fungus may become established on these leaves and during periods of cloudy wet weather may invade the stems and render the plants unfit for sale. Continue weekly applications of Termil or Exotherm Termil to maintain a protective coating of fungicide on the rapidly developing leaf and stem tissue so that Botrytis spores coming in contact with the plants will be killed before infection can take place. Some growers cannot use the Termil fungicides due to the presence of Termil sensitive crops growing in the same house with the geraniums or be cause of a relatively small number of geraniums being grown in a large volume greenhouse. They should use weekly sprays of Daconil 2787 to pre vent Botrytis infection. Daconil 2787 contains the same fungicide ingredients as the Termil materials. It is a wettable powder formulation design ed to be applied as a spray.
Keywords: Botrytis spores Exotherm Termil FUNGISTATIC DRENCHES GARDENIA CANKER
Libraries: Floriculture