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Pennsylvania Flower Growers #204


If your production program takes more than 810 weeks to grow a 4-inch geranium from a rooted cutting — a careful examination of your procedures is suggested — There Are Six Essential Features of a Fast Crop Program for Geraniums — 1. Obtain cuttings from culture-indexed stock — For a fast crop, pathogen-free plants are absolutely necessary the presence of disease organisms makes an 8 week geranium impossible growing conditions for a fast crop cannot be adjusted to help infected cuttings in their battle for survival 2. Fast Crop Geraniums must have a loose-well drained soil mixture that can be watered and fertilized frequently The same care and effort should be put into the preparation of a soil mixture for geraniums as we put into the preparation of a soil mixture for poinsettias, Easter lilies, pot mums, or any other potted plant from which we expect a profit Geraniums can be grown in almost any kind of soil mixtures, but you can't grow a profitable fast crop of geraniums in a soil mixture that doesn't permit fast growth? The practice of using old bench soil from a mum crop may not be wise unless the soil is loose, well drained, low in fertility and free from pathogens.

Keywords: Loose-well drained soil mixture Full light intensity Frequent irrigation and fertilizat Suggested Procedures Major Problem

Libraries: Floriculture

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