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Cost of Poinsettia Production


Pennsylvania Flower Growers #235


Of all the factors that influence costs of production, spacing is prob ably the one that is most important yet least appreciated by most growers. Spacing involves bench space which costs money to operate. Often there is little agreement be tween florists on costs of production, and this may be due to the space they give plants. When the plants are grown close together, the cost per unit will be less, but eventually the quality will drop because of reduced light intensity which is one of the most important factors influencing plant growth. If one were to add all costs for a one-year period, divide this figure by the square feet of bench area used for crop production, and then divide this latter figure by 52, the resulting figure would be the cost of production per square foot of bench area per week. Too few florists do this even though it isn't difficult, and it would be a great aid in determining production costs and desired selling prices.

Keywords: selling price Various Factors Influencing Costs cost of the plant material spacing

Libraries: Floriculture

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