Pennsylvania Flower Growers #224
Soils: PRODUCTION POINTERS W. Robert Fohtney Extension Floriculturist Penn State University Usea porouswell-drained soil—such as % soil, % peat, % perlite. Add dolomitic limestone to produce pll of 6.6 to 7.2. Soils low in phosphorus—Add up to 2 lb. superphosphate per cubic yard, but do not add to Croft. Have soil tested for best results. Drench: Use Dexon-Terraclor at first or second watering, med Disease Control of Easter Lilies.) See Guide to Program Temperature: Grow at 60° F. (No temperature above 70° F until after January 31.) Lighting: If there is some question about precooling which bulbs have received, then lighting for 2 weeks starting when shoots emerge may also help assure adequate precooling effect at 15- to 30-foot candles from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Fertilizer: Start fertilizing when plants emerge. Soil test results are best guide to selecting proper program.
Keywords: Temperature Fertilizer Lighting Soils Drench
Libraries: Floriculture