Pennsylvania Flower Growers #247
Past research on height control of Easter lilies was summarized in an earlier report (1). In a more recent publication (2), the effects of a new chemical growth retardant (Quel) on lily height were compared with the effects of stress from low soil moisture and high fertility levels. Quel1 was very effective in control ling height without reducing flower size; whereas, flower size reduction and other adverse effects accompanied height reduction produced by moisture or fertilizer stress. The effects of time of application, concentration and method of application of Quel on lily growth are presented in this report. METHODS Ace lilies, 9 to 10 inch bulbs, were received direct from the west coast fields.2 Cultural practices before and after forcing were identical to those described in Progress Report II, except in the application of Quel. Drench or spray applications generally were applied between January 18 and February 12. The time of application was based on shoot length rather than a given date. Quel was metered into the irrigation water be ginning January 26 and discontinued March 1. Between these dates, approximately 78 ounces of solution was added to each pot. The amount of active Quel per pot was calculated on the basis of concentration at each irrigation times total solution applied during the treatment period. Six ounces of solution was applied to each pot for the single drench treatments.
Keywords: Concentrations Growth retardant (Quel) Moisture or fertilizer stress Growth Stages combination of methods
Libraries: Floriculture