Cinerarias can be divided into tv/o groups, grandiflora and multiflora. Grandiflora cultivars have larger but fewer flowers and bloom earlier than multiflora cultivars. Cultivars In Scandinavia the best early flowering cultivars (January and February bloom) are 'Gemunder Zweig' and 'Master'. 'Early Favorite' and 'Tiolig dverg' are also used in Norway. All are 4-5 weeks earlier than late flowering cultivars. The disadvantage of early cultivars is that they may not produce as many flowers as desired per plant. Late flowering cultivars include 'KSA' which sometimes grows too vigorously and 'Moll' which is rated excellent. In Norway the flowering season is January through March. The plants are inexpensive because they require higher temperatures for only a short period.
Source: • Focus on Floriculture, Vol. 5 No. 2
Keywords: Production Growth regulators Photoperiod Cultivars Flowering Temperature and Age Effect
Libraries: Floriculture