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Kalanchoe Trials 1975-76


Focus on Floriculture Vol 4 #4


Kalanchoes are certainly a new, exciting pot plant for the greenhouse producer and consumer. The new cultivars are spectacular. Tremendous improvements have been made in plant form and flower colors. Consumer acceptance should be excellent because of their long post-harvest life. Crop timing is very important to the greenhouse producer, particularly for year-round production. We conducted two trials with several of the new cultivars to answer questions concerning timing as well as plant form. The 2-inch plants v/ere potted in 5 or 6-inch clay pots (one plant/pot) on June 19, 1975 for study 1 and December 2, 1975 for study 2. The plants were fertilized with 200 ppm N and K at each watering. They were grown at 65°F night temperature (or higher for the summer study). The summer crop was grown in shaded, pad and fan cooled greenhouse. Regular greenhouse insect and disease control was used. All the plants were pinched. The pinching and start of short day treatments are shown in Table 1.

Keywords: night temperature long post-harvest life year-round production heat delay timing

Libraries: Floriculture

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