Light and A-Rest Influence Easter Lily Height
Focus on Floriculture Vol 5 #4
A-Rest effectively reduces Easter lily growth as numerous studies have shown. The product's effectiveness on sun or shade-grown plants is reported here. 'Ace' bulbs of 7-8 inch diameter arrived October 20, 1977 and were treated as follows: 1. potted and grown 3 weeks at 70°F then 40° stored for 7 weeks (CTF) 2. precooled 7 weeks before potting A. no A-Rest treatment B. sprayed with 50 ppm A-Rest when shoots were 3 and 6 inches tall C. drenched as shoots emerged from the soil with 200 ml A-Rest solution/ 6 inch pot at 1.25, 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75 mg/pot With 5 plants in a treatment 5 the crop was spaced approximately 8 inches by 10 inches and grown in a 60°F NT greenhouse under full light or 70% shade provided by a saran mesh cover.
Keywords: shade-grown plants uniform internode elongation chemical retardant drench application Cooling method
Libraries: Floriculture