1996 Oklahoma State University Poinsettia Cultivar Trial
KS and OK Greenhouse Growers Association
Forty-nine cultivars from five breeders were featured in this year's OSU poinsettia cultivar trial. Rooted cuttings were received from participating companies August 22-23, potted in a commercial premixedmedia(FafardNo. 2, Fisons, Inc),and placed in a corrugated polycarbonate-covered greenhouse. Plants were pinched on September 12 and calcium chloride foliar sprays (200 ppm) were applied on October 28 and November 4. Plants werehandirrigated with250ppmN from a commercial premixed fertilizer (Peters 20-10-20 PLS) and leached withunfertilized waterweekly. Fertilization was ceased onNovember 15. Noplant growth regulators wereapplied and Marathon was used for whitefly control. The following data were collected on each plant when it flowered: height (from media), diameter (average of two measurements, one taken at the widest point and the other perpendicular to thefirst), flowerclusters perplant,date of first color, date of flowering, broken stems per plant, and foliage, bract, and overall ratings (1-5 rating, with 5 being the best). Datawerecollected on 15to 30 plants per cultivar,depending on the number of plants sent by each company.
Source: • KS and OK Greenhouse Growers Association
Keywords: Postharvest Flowered Fishcer Oglevee
Libraries: Floriculture