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The phytotoxicity of Termil on various annuals and perennials


phytotoxicity of the fungicide termil


Tests were made on a wide range of plants to determine whether the easily applied Termil has any harmful effects on them and whether it can be an effective fungicide. In 1964, Turner et al (1) reported that tetrachloroisophthalonitrile has activity as a foliage protective fungicide. It was subsequently shown by Turner and Lamont (2) that this fungicide had potential for the control of fungicidal diseases in the greenhouse when used as a thermal dust. As a result of these and other efforts, the active chemical is now available in a thermal tablet, which has been called "Termil." The tablet is formulated in such a way that the active chemical will vaporize without decomposition when heated to a temperature of 600 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. When the vapor cools, fine particles containing the chemical are dispersed as a film over the above ground portions of the plants in the greenhouse.Tablets dispensed in this manner will give off a vapor pattern of about 50 feet in diameter, and one tablet is sufficient to cover approximately 4,000 cubic feet of space.

Source: • The Florists' Review

Keywords: Fungicide Phytotoxicity Termil Thermal dust

Libraries: Floriculture

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