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Postharvest Control of Thrips on Harvested Dendrobium Orchids


Safe management of thrips on dendrobium orchids


Two of the most serious pests of the Hawaii orchid industry are western flower thrips (WFT) [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)] and melon thrips (Thrips palmi Karny). Both insects are quarantine pests and vectors of Tospovirus. Orchids shipped to the mainland United States from Hawaii are rejected if melon thrips and/or western flower thrips are detected. Current methods of post-harvest disinfestation for floral commodities consist mainly of aerosol/fog products, controlled atmosphere treatments, chemical fumigation, insecticidal dips, irradiation and low or high temperature treatments. Each of these treatments has advantages and disadvantages. Many result in decreased vase or market life of the commodity. Our objective was to determine the response of WFT and Dendrobium orchids to a series of treatments using combinations of controlled atmosphere (CA), warm air, and chemical fumigants designated as GRAS (general recognized as safe).

Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #206

Libraries: Floriculture

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