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Advancing the Adoption of Pest Management Strategies on Cut Flowers Produced in the United States and Colombia – Part I


Cut Flower Production


Although it has declined in recent years, cut flower production in the United States in 2009 was assessed at $359 million from 362 producers. California‟s value was $269 million, accounting for 75% of the total cut flower value in the U.S. While this value is considerable, it is dwarfed by cut flower production in the Andean countries that accounted for 80% of U.S. cut flower imports. In 2008, cut flower imports from Colombia were greater than $500 million, which is higher than the total wholesale value of U.S.-grown cut flowers. While there are major differences in cut flower production practices in Colombia and the US, one major similarity is the pests that must be controlled on a dayto-day basis. Many of these pests know no boundaries. While U.S. growers and

Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #214

Keywords: Imports Cut flower Efficacy trials Mites Thirps

Libraries: Floriculture

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