Ornamental Gingers as Flowering Potted Plants – Part 3 Photoperiod on Growth and Development
Photoperiod effects on ginger growth and development
To control the growth, development and flowering of gingers, it is necessary to understand the effects of photoperiod on vegetative and reproductive growth. In general, gingers become dormant in winter in response to short days (#12 hours) and low temperatures. The objectives of this experiment were to study the effects of photoperiod on plant growth and development of Curcuma alismatifolia 'Siam Tulip White’ , C. cordata, C. petiolata 'Emperor', C. thorelii 'Chiang Mai Dwarf', Kaempferia sp. 'Grande', S. decora, and Siphonichilus kirkii.
Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #511
Libraries: Floriculture