Ethylene Sensitivity of Unrooted Cuttings from 28 Genera and Effectiveness of 1-MCP to Prevent Ethylene Damage
Ethylene Sensitivity of Unrooted Cuttings from 28 Genera and Eff
Exposure to ethylene in the post-harvest environment results in accelerated senescence of many horticultural products. Researchers at Clemson University have measured relatively high ethylene concentrations (0.5 to 3 ppm) in packages of cuttings following 2 to 3 days storage. The competitive inhibitor of ethylene, 1-MCP (Ethylbloc), has been used to reduce leaf senescence of many species, such as parsley, geranium, and poinsettia; however, 1-MCP also reduced rooting of chrysanthemum and hibiscus cuttings.
Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #433
Libraries: Floriculture