Preharvest Humidity and Water Status Affects Vase Life of Lilies and Sunflowers
Preharvest Humidity and Water Status Affects Vase Life of Lilies
Preharvest environmental conditions, such as water deficit and humidity, can influence the length of vase life of cut flowers and conditions in the last two weeks prior to harvest may be most critical. High humidity during production increases the number of stomata on the leaves. During postharvest, the numerous stomata increases the rate of transpiration and results in increased wilting and bent neck of roses. Slight water stress during production has been shown to increase water uptake during postharvest. However, prolonged water stress decreases stem length, an important quality of cut flowers. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of water stress and humidity during production on the vase life of cut lilies ‘Vermeer’ (Asiatic hybrid) and ‘Dazzle’ (LA hybrid) and sunflower ‘Sunbright’.
Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #437
Libraries: Floriculture