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1980 Poinsettia Trial February


Focus on Floriculture


Poinsettia cuttings were taken on 8/22 for pinched plants and on 9/12 for single stem plants. They were rooted under intermittent mist in OASIS rootcubes. They were panned on 10/9 for single stem plants (3 cuttings/pot) and on 9/16 for pinched plants (1 cutting/6inch pot). The pinched plants were pinched on 9/29. They were grown at 65°F night and 75°F day temperature in glass greenhouses. One application of Terraclor and monthly applications of Dexon/Benlate were made for root rot control. Temik was applied for insect control. No growth retardants were applied. Incandescent lighting for long days was applied until 10/10 for the pinched plants and 10/20 for the single stem plants. The plants were then covered with black cloth from 5pm to 8am daily. Weeks from start of short days to pollen is shown in Figure 1. Height of single stem and pinched plants above the pot rim is shown in Figure 2.

Source: • Focus on Floriculture, Purdue University

Libraries: Floriculture

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