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Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers-Effect of Gases


New York State Flower Industries , Inc


The atmosphere contains many gases in various quantities. The composition of the air varies slightly from day to day, but in general it contains about 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen. The remainder is made up of Argon, Carbon Dioxide and traces of Neon, Helium, Ozone, Xenon, Hydrogen, Methane, Krypton, and varying amounts of water vapor. These gases, when present in their normal concentrations, present few problems to florist crops. However, when gases such as Ethylene, Sulphur Dioxide, and some others are present, deleterious effects on plant life are exhibited. Some of these are discussed below. Ethylene, is a natural by-product of plants, fruit, and certain diseases. It also results from the combustion of most fuels. The effect of Ethylene, accelerating the processes of growth and maturation, is dependent on the gas concentration, duration of exposure, air temperature and the type of plant. Some symptoms are defoliation of roses; flower drop of snapdragon and calceolarias; dry sepal on cattleya orchids; bud drop; failure of buds to open properly; stimulation of lateral shoots; necrotic spots and blotches on petunias; and sleepiness of carna tions. Excellent test plants for the presence of Ethylene are tomato plants and carnation and snapdragon flowers

Keywords: Ozone Sulphur Dioxide Ethylene Carbon Dioxid Helium

Libraries: Floriculture Vegetables

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