Sodium Selenate
Sodium Selenate pest control
Dr. W. E. Elauvelt, Dept. of Entomology, demonstrated the method he has developed of using sodium selenate for pest control. Applied to the soil, it is taken up by the plants and accumulates in the foliage. When pests attack the and they get the poison along with their food and are killed. Sodium selenate treatment of chrysanthemums, car nations, saintpaulias, and a number of other florist crops is now far beyond the experimental stage, Dr. Blauvelt reported. Hundreds of growers throughout the United States and some in Canada and other countries are now using the treatment with good results. Many growers have treated their entire planting of mums and carnations. Enough material has been sold to grower B to treat about 6,000,000 square feet of bench area.
Source: • New York State Flower Growers, Inc, Bulletin #1
Keywords: Sodium selenate
Libraries: Floriculture