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Acclimatization of Brassaia Aciinophylla and Ficus Nitida to Interior Environmental Conditions


New York State Flower Industries , Inc


Foliage plants, defined as those plants grown primarily for their foliage and utilized for interior decoration or landscape purposes, are ever increasing in popularity. An almost unlimited number of plant shapes, leaf characters and textures, plus their endurance and relatively easy maintenance has made them a first choice for interior decorators. As plants native to tropical and subtropical regions, their successful use in interior environments is only possible after certain procedures have been followed. Two of the more popular foliage types used are Brassaia aciinophylla also called Schefjlera aciinophylla and Schefflera macrostachya (1). The common names are Schefflera, Australian Umbrella Tree and Octopus Tree. And Ficus retusa nitida also called Ficus nitida and F. lucida. The common name is Indian Laurel (1). Ficus nitida is very similar in appearance to Ficus benjamina and the two are often confused in identification. Schefflera is a shrubby plant, growing upright with a thick stem, with spreading leafleted leaves on firm wiry, petioles growing alternatively from the main stem. Young seedlings bear leaves with 3 to 5 tiny leaflets; as the plant matures the leaves may eventually contain as many as 16 leaflets.

Source: • New York State Flower Industries, Inc. Bulletin #50

Keywords: Foliage Schefjlera aciinophylla Ficus nitida shade tree environmental factors

Libraries: Floriculture

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