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New York State Flower Industries , Inc


Consumers like cyclamen! Consumers buy cyclamen when available at reasonable cost. Many growers think of cyclamen as a 13 to 15 month crop. But let's change the thinking to 8 or 9 months. Consider plants in 5 inch pots as well as 6 or 7 inch. In Europe, many growers produce cyclamen in 4 or 4>y2 inch pots for everyday sales for use in the home! In recent years Professor Richard Widmer of the University of Minnesota has publicized and recommended "Quick Crop Cyclamen" with his latest schedule showing an April 15 planting of seed for a Christmas crop (1). During the past couple years in Ithaca, New York, we have grown cyclamen from spring plantings of seed giving a crop ready for sale in early December with some of the early ones ready for sale in late November.

Keywords: Schedule 9 months full sunlight surface irrigation

Libraries: Floriculture

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