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Poinsetta Production -1970


New York State Flower Industries , Inc


Cycocel, a growth retardant, when properly applied, will retard height, strengthen stems and intensify the green color of the foliage and red color of the bracts. It is best to use Cycocel (11.8%) 1 quart in 10 gallons of water and apply as a uniform drench as follows. Pot diameter (inches) 2V4-3* 4 5 6 8 Fluid oz. of dilute sol./pot No. Pots Treated 640 425 300 200 150 *Two applications necessary for 2V*" pots. Treat August propagations in early to mid-September; do not treat plants growing in 2^4-3-inch pots after Sep tember 15. Early treated 2^4-3-inch pots may require a second treatment after panning. Do not treat pans after October 15. Frequent applications made at lower concen trations yield the most satisfactory results. Foliar applications of Cycocel can be highly successful in reducing plant height. Plants should be sprayed with Cycocel at a 1:40 dilution (1 quart in 10 gallons water) at 10 to 14 day intervals. Two or three sprays are re quired. Greatest success can be obtained by frequent ap plications at low concentrations.

Keywords: Sanitation Carbon dioxide Cycocel Growth retardant Height Strengthen stems

Libraries: Floriculture

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