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New York State Flower Industries , Inc


During the past year and a half, research to determine how commercial cut roses should be handled to improve customer vase life has been conducted by Paul Rasmussen, Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University. Dr. Rasmussen's suggestions and observations to date make good sense. The Grower 1. Roses should be placed in clean, warm (room tempera ture) deionized or distilled water IMMEDIATELY AFTER CUTTING. The time from cut to the first drink of water seems to be critical and should be kept to a minimum. 2. Late afternoon harvesting seems to produce better vase life for roses. 3. Transfer roses as soon as possible to storage room, at 34°F., in total darkness. 4. Grade roses in a cool area, with a minimum time out of solution. (Grading may precede dark storage.) 5. Immediately after grading, place stem ends in deionized or distilled water, or tap water containing a floral preservative. 6. Ship roses in solution in the dark, if possible. Flowers shipped by air should be taken from solution and placed in black plastic (bags or overwrap), and kept as cool as possible (above freezing) during transit. 7. If at any point during grower handling the rose stemends are allowed to dry out, they should be recut and placed back in solution immediately

Keywords: Distilled water Recut cold storage Cut-flowers solution

Libraries: Floriculture

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