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Illinois State Florists' Association


More efficient use of artificial light. "Flash," "inter mittent," or "cyclic" lighting makes use of the principle that some action of light continues after it is turned off and that continuous light of 4 or more hours duration in the middle of the night supplies much more energy than is necessary for preventing flower initiation in chrysan themums. The work of Cathey, Borthwick and Bailey at Belts ville, agrees with that of Waxman at Connecticut and of other workers regarding flash lighting. It shows further that the "flash" need not occur oftener than once every 30 minutes (from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.), provided that the light is at least of 10 foot-candle intensity and is "on" for 3 minutes during each 30-minute cycle. "Light-dark cycles of less than 10 minutes produce excessive wear on switch contacts. A simple controlling system permits five or more different areas to be lighted adequately to prevent flowering with the energy now used for one area. A saving of 80% or more of the power costs is possible." TEMPERATURE Height control of Easter lilies during forcing. Georgia Easter lily bulbs, potted and allowed to sprout before cool storage, produce plants with full length, closely-spaced leaves from the bottom of the stem. If such plants are exposed to temperatures below 50°F. for 2 months they will require about 3 months to force at a night temperature of 60°. The resulting plants are shorter than those developing from bulbs stored at low temperatures before potting.

Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 224

Keywords: Nutrition Chrysanthemums Poinsettias Low temperatures shorter

Libraries: Floriculture

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