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Lisianthus Russellianus Hybrid New Addition To The Bedding Plant Arena


Illinois State Florists' Association


Recently, seeds of a new hybrid of Lisianthus Russellianus were released by a seed company overseas and introduced in Florida. Results of tests in Gainesville have shown this to be an excellent bedding plant for spring and summer months inFlorida. During 3 years oftrials, itconsistently showed excellent growing habits and continuous summer blooming. Lisianthus presently comes in three different flower colors: white, pink and dark lavender-blue. Plants differ somewhat in their growth habit with the blue-colored cultivar tending to be shorter and flowering earlier than the white which grows taller and blooms a week or so later, and the pink-colored cultivar which is the tallest grower and blooms last. When night temperatures re main warm (60°F), plants grow continuously. When transplanted outdoors,- they will develop lateral branches when the main stem flowers, and continue to produce lateral flower stalks until late August and early September in Florida. The choice of summer annuals is limited in Florida and Lisianthus Russellianus hyb., especially the lavender-blue colored cultivar,fills a void

Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 410

Keywords: Bedding plant Grown all year rosette Florida summers Eustoma grandiflorum,

Libraries: Floriculture

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