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Poinsettias — New Varieties And Approaches


Illinois State Florists' Association


THIS PRESENTATION will basically be in three sections, covering (1) the use of vegetative stock for production of cuttings, (2) propagation of cuttings, and (3) producing the finished crop of poinsellias. It is well to draw attention at the beginning to the fact that my philosophy is to produce the best crop possible in the shortest period of time to make the most PROFIT. VEGETATIVE STOCK Many of the ideas and concepts presented today are not original but may have new applications in the poinsettia picture. For example, the production of cuttings from vegetative stock clones instead of dormant stock plants is the use of production methods taken from the chrysanthe mum or carnation or geranium sections of the florist industry. Except for sports, no one would think of using chrysanthemum stools for stock today, even to build up a new variety.

Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 270

Keywords: Chrysanthe mum VEGETATIVE STOCK Mother's Day Timing And Spacing Outdoor exposure

Libraries: Floriculture

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