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Illinois State Florists' Association


The National Garden Bureau, an educational service of the garden seed industry, called upon the experience of some of the leading plant breeders in the U.S., Canada, and Europe in the preparation of the following information. Since 1982 has been designated the "Year of the Marigold," you might want to carefully review this information for your own general knowledge, for use in talks, and for incorporating into news stories you write. A Most Versatile Flower Few, if any, garden flowers can match marigolds for bright, enduring colors, sustained production of blossoms and ease of growing. The skills of many plant breeders have been focused on marigolds for the past half century, and especially during the last decade. As a result, varieties have been made more uniform in plant and blossom size, reshaped to the scale of contemporary landscapes, and enriched with vivid new colors. The popularity of marigolds has climbed accordingly;they now are the No. 1 flower in the U.S., outranking zinnias and petunias in combined bedding plant and seed packet sales (units).

Source: • Illinois State Florists' Association Bulletin # 400

Keywords: Economic Pest-Repellent Properties T. lemmoni T. micanthra Medicinal Versatile Flower

Libraries: Floriculture

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