Pennsylvania Flower Growers #133
Bud blasting in Croft, Erabu, and Creole lilies was increased by reducing the light intensity during forcing or by restricting the movement of food materials from the leaves to the developing buds. Various combinations or changes in soil and air temperatures did not consistantly affect the number of blasted buds. A slight increase in bud blasting did occur at a constant soil temperature of 4()°F When symptoms of bud blasting first occur, the bases of immature buds (approximately '^ inch in length) become yellow then dark brown in color: gradually the entire bud becomes brown in color and papery in texture. The blasted buds cease to grow, but remain attached to the plants while unaffected adjacent buds continue to develop normally.
Keywords: Symptoms Food material light intensity soil and air temperatures REDUCING LIGHT INTENSITY
Libraries: Floriculture